The following are sample HTTP requests and responses.
The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length
PayRequstId: 0,
Amount: String,
Avscv2Check: String,
Avscv2ResponseCode: String,
Cardype: String,
CrossReference: String,
Message: String,
Name: String,
PostCode: String,
ReceiptInformation: String,
Amount: String,
AuthCode: String,
CardDisplayNumber: String,
CardType: String,
ExpMMYY: String,
Field1: String,
Field10: String,
Field13: String,
Field14: String,
Field3: String,
Field4: String,
Field5: String,
Field6: String,
Field9: String,
FjNo: String,
KeyedType: String,
RequestType: String
ResponseCode: String
ErrorCode: String,
Message: String,
StackTrace: String,
ErrorCode: String,
FieldName: String,
Message: String